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DC Nguyen Law

Hiring DC Nguyen Law For Your Washington Divorce

Couple discussing divorce documents with a lawyer - DC Nguyen LawHandling Your Divorce On Your Own

If you can agree to the terms of your divorce with your to-be ex-spouse, it’s completely reasonable to conclude that you won’t necessarily need a divorce attorney to navigate the process alongside you. Legally, divorce attorneys are not mandatory. The court will accept paperwork you or your to-be ex-spouse have drafted that includes an agreement and the underlying terms.

A Word Of Advice

Given how emotionally charged divorces are, it’s easy to be clouded by emotions and unreasonable expectations. A general piece of advice I’ll leave you with is this: step outside of yourself. Think of your case from a third party’s perspective. Would someone else who looks at your case see it as fair and reasonable? If not, then it isn’t fair and reasonable.

Besides this, try to ask yourself now what you’ll think about a decision you’re making in the divorce process in five years. This can be difficult to do, but it is worthwhile. It is a good way to determine if something is worth fighting over and can save you a lot of mental and emotional energy.

Think of the parent who is excessively petty and demands the other parent return the shoes they gave them when their child was visiting. Now compare the cost of a pair of shoes to hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in attorney’s fees. You’d be surprised how often these inconsequential things blow up and become a larger issue than they should, consuming emotional energy and dollars along the way. Don’t fall for it!

What Makes DC Nguyen Law Different

Practicing law for a long time can make you jaded. The routine and regularity of the work can numb you to the fact that it is someone else’s life and the full emotional impact of that reality. After a while, nothing really phases you because you’ve seen it all already. 

I do everything I can to always remember that I serve real people whose lives are being dramatically impacted by what I do. Even though you’ve witnessed countless situations, it’s important to connect with their emotions in the moment. Practically speaking, I make a concerted effort to actively listen to all of my clients. I don’t immediately shut down their ideas or concerns but instead give them the space to be heard, even when I know what they’re asking me to do will not benefit them.

I believe this approach sets me apart — I truly listen to my clients. Many attorneys lack the patience or time for this and often cut their clients off with a firm, No. We’re not doing that. I prefer to listen first. I tell my clients, I’ll hear you out, and then we’ll take a day away from everything. After that, I’ll explain why we can’t proceed with doing things as you had hoped.

For more information on Hiring DC Nguyen Law For A Washington Divorce, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (425) 276-7390 today.

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